Monday, February 21, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Tangrowth (Call of Legends)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Tangrowth from the Call of Legends set, this is a stage 1, grass type Pokemon card, with an hp of 110. It has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to water type Pokemon, and a four colorless energy card retreat cost. Tangrowth doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves. Its first move is called Grind and for one colorless energy card, Tangrowth does 20 damage times the amount of energy cards attached to Tangrowth. Tangrowth's second move is called Plow Over and for 3 energy cards, one grass and two colorless, Tangrowth does 30 damage and you also flip a coin when you use this move and if it is heads the defending Pokemon is now paralyzed and if the coin is tails you can put one energy card attached to the defending Pokemon into the Lost Zone. As far as strategy goes I would recommend stocking up some energy cards on this card, at least 3 before I move it to the active Pokemon spot, that way if I have 3 energy cards on it you can either do 60 damage with Grind or you can paralyze the defending Pokemon or discard an energy card from the defending Pokemon and do damage for 3 energy cards. I would prefer using Grind every turn and you could attach even more energy cards to Tangrowth so you can do more damage which may be a good idea since Tangrowth does have 110 hp and Plow Over more than likely will prevent the Pokemon from attacking the next turn. I would give this card a 4 out of 5 because I like how Tangrowth has the possibility to do major amounts of damage and can inflict special conditions and at the same time can make the opponent lose energy cards for the entire game. The only bad thing about this card is its retreat cost which is extremely high but like I was saying in the strategy part of this review I wouldn't move this card into the active spot until later in the game so that Tangrowth can do damage immediately. So thanks for reading today's review of Tangrowth from the Call of Legends set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Zangoose which will be the last card of Call of Legends I need to review to have reviewed all the rare cards in the set, the reason I didn't review every one of them is because most of the Call of Legends set is reprint cards so I have reviewed them all before.