Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Dialga (Platinum 6/127)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Dialga again, this time it is a different version, this Dialga also is a metal type, basic Pokemon, with an hp of 100, but this Dialga only has a +20 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to psychic type Pokemon, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost. Unlike Dialga from yesterday, this card has a Poke-Body instead of a Poke-Power, Dialga's Poke-Body is called Time Aura and says that as long as Dialga is your active Pokemon your opponent can't play any card from there hand to evolve any of there Pokemon. This Dialga only has one move as well, this move is called Metal Burn and for four energy cards, two each of metal and colorless, Dialga does 100 damage but you then have to discard all metal energy cards attached to Dialga. So as far as strategy goes I really with Dialga's move was better but its Poke-Body is great, since even if you do use Metal Burn and have to wait two turns to attack again, hopefully you'll be going against basic Pokemon who can't evolve because of Time Aura and you'll be able to knock out a few Pokemon in a row. So for this card to do its best, you want to get it out fast and have some cards in your deck that will allow it to get energy on it fast. I would give this card a 3 out of 5, I think this card is a little better than the Dialga I reviewed yesterday but it still isn't anything too great. I really like its Poke-Body but it is way too slow to be dominant and you'll be forced to have this in a dual type deck unless you want to wait four turns each time you want to use Metal Burn. So thanks for reading today's review of Dialga from the Platinum set, I hope you aren't getting sick of Dialga because tomorrow I will be reviewing Dialga G from the same set.