Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Jolteon (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Jolteon from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, electric type Pokemon card with an hp of 80. It does however have a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon but it also has a -20 resistance to metal type Pokemon and no retreat cost. Jolteon doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Agility and this move does 20 damage for one colorless energy card, also when you use this move you can flip a coin and if you get heads you get to prevent all effects of an attack done by your opponent's Pokemon to Jolteon. Jolteon's second move is called Mach Bolt and this move takes 3 energy cards, 2 electric and 1 colorless and does 70 hp. So as far as strategy goes it is really straightforward, you can either wait with Jolteon on the bench until you get 3 energy cards on it and then move it in and use Mach Bolt or you can play it right away and use Agility on the defending Pokemon until you get 3 energy cards on Jolteon and hope that you flip heads every time so you don't get any damage done to Jolteon. I would give this card a rating of 3 out of 5 because I like both of its moves and Mach Bolt is better than the average three energy cost move, the only bad thing about this card is that it has a low hp for a stage 1 Pokemon card with 80. So thanks for reading today's review of Jolteon from Undaunted stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted card.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Scizor (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Scizor from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, metal type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. Unfortunately it has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon but it does have a -20 resistance to psychic type Pokemon and a low retreat cost of one colorless energy card. Scizor doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves. The first move is called Cut and this move does 50 damage for 2 energy cards, one each of colorless and metal. Scizor's second move is called Metal Claw and this move does 80 damage for 3 energy cards, 1 colorless and 2 metal. As far as strategy goes I would just use whatever move I could afford to use when my turn comes, so if I only have two energy cards attached to this card I would use Cut and if I have more than 2 energy cards attached to Scizor I would use Metal Claw. I would try and use this card as soon as possible because this card can do a lot of damage for not very many energy cards. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because to me, both of its moves are above average moves, I would have rated this card a 5 if it would have had a decent Poke-Power but it doesn't it just has the two plain moves. So thanks for reading today's review of Scizor from Undaunted stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted card.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Skarmory (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Skarmory from the Undaunted set. This is a basic, metal type Pokemon card with an hp of 80. Just like most of the other rare Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Skarmory has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon. However it does have a -20 resistance to psychic type Pokemon and a retreat cost of one colorless energy card. Skarmory doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is entitled Steel Coat and this move allows you to search your deck for one metal energy card and attach it to one of your Pokemon, this move costs one metal energy card. Skarmory's second move is named Razor Wing and this move does 40 damage for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 metal. As far as strategy goes I would only use this card to attach energy cards to my other benched Pokemon, and I would only do this if my deck had a lot of other metal type Pokemon. If my deck didn't have a lot of metal type Pokemon I wouldn't even include this card in my deck at all because this card really doesn't do much at all, especially for being a rare card. Because of this I would rate this card a 1 out of 5, the only reason I would give this card a 1 is because it has a somewhat high hp for a basic type Pokemon card, other than that Razor Wing is absolutely terrible for 3 energy cards and there are a lot of Poke-Powers and trainers out there that allow you to move an energy card to one of your Pokemon, so this card is one of the cards I would definitely recommend staying away from. So thanks for reading today's review of Skarmory from the Undaunted set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Scizor from Undaunted.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Magcargo (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Magcargo from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, fire type Pokemon card with an hp of 100. Unfortunately Magcargo has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon and no resistance, also it has a high retreat cost for a stage 1 Pokemon card with a 3 colorless energy card retreat cost. Magcargo doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Searing Flame and this move does 20 damage for two energy cards, one each of fire and colorless, besides doing the damage it also burns the defending Pokemon. So if the defending Pokemon is burned each turn they must flip a coin and if they get tails it does 20 damage to them otherwise nothing but the Pokemon is still burned. Magcargo's second move is called Lava Flow and this move requires 3 energy cards, 2 fire and 1 colorless, and it does 60 damage plus 20 more damage for each fire energy card you decide to discard when you do this move, you don't have to discard any energy if you don't want to. As far as strategy goes I would recommend burning the defending Pokemon first especially if they have a high hp, then I would use Lava Flow and depending on how much hp the defending Pokemon has left I would discard fire energy cards accordingly. I would probably use this card in an all fire deck so I would make sure and have a plethora of fire energy to use so I could discard the energy as often as I like, also make sure and have Pokemon, supporters, and trainers that allow you to retrieve energy cards from the discard pile so you don't run out of energy cards too fast. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because Magcargo has 10 hp more than most stage 1 Pokemon, and the two moves it has work very well together, the first move inflicts a special condition on the defending Pokemon and the second move does unlimited damage which depends on the amount of time you take to set Magcargo up. So thanks for reading my review of Magcargo, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted card.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Weavile (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Weavile from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, dark type Pokemon card with an hp of 80. Unfortunately Weavile has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, but on the bright side it does have a -20 resistance to psychic type Pokemon and no retreat cost so you can move this card in and out of your active Pokemon spot as often as you like. Weavile's Poke-Power is called Claw Snag and this power lets you look at your opponent's hand and discard one of the cards in it, you can only use this power once when you evolve one of your Pokemon into Weavile. Weavile's only move is called Feint Attack and this move takes two energy cards, one each of darkness and colorless. This move always does 30 hp damage no matter what, it doesn't consider weakness, resistance, etc. So as far as strategy goes with this card, I really wouldn't use it in my deck, but if I were using it, I would wait awhile into the game to evolve my Pokemon into Weavile that way more than likely my opponent will have a card in their hand that they really want to use and then I will be able to discard it using Weavile's Poke-Power, another indicator I would look at when I'm deciding when to evolve Sneasel, is to do it right after my opponent uses a supporter or trainer card to get a special Pokemon card, like a Legend, Prime, or Lv. X card. I would rate this card a 2 out of 5 because the only thing worth using on this card is its Poke-Power, because Feint Attack isn't anything special for 2 energy cards, also 80 hp and a x2 weakness is just way to weak for me to use it. So if you really want to use this card I would evolve Sneasel, use the Poke-Power and then let the card sit on your bench the rest of the game. So thanks for reading today's review of Weavile, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted card.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Metagross (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Metagross from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 2, metal type Pokemon with an hp of 130. Unfortunately Metagross has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon and an extremely high retreat cost of 4 colorless energy cards, however it does have a -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon. Metagross has no Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does has two moves, the first move is called Strength and this move does 70 damage for 3 energy cards, 2 metal and 1 colorless. Metagross' second move is entitled Quad Smash and this move does 50 damage times the number of heads you flip when you flip 4 coins, so this move can do 200 damage maximum for 4 energy cards, 2 each of colorless and metal. As far as strategy goes with this card it is really straightforward since there is no Poke-Power or Poke-Body, I would use Strength when I have 3 energy cards on Metagross or the defending Pokemon will feint by having an attack done to them that does 50 to 70 damage, otherwise if I had 4 energy cards on Metagross I would use Quad Smash and hope to get a lot of heads. It would be highly unlikely not to get at least 1 heads out of four flips so this move should do at least 50 damage. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5, this is one of those cards that I would really like to use just because there is no strategy with this card, it is just a brute force card that does a lot of damage, so just take the time to set this card up on your bench and bring it into play and start destroying your opponent's Pokemon. So thanks for reading today's review of Metagross from Undaunted, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Weavile from Undaunted.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Bellossom (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Bellossom from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 2, grass type Pokemon card with an hp of 110. Unfortunately Bellossom has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon but it does have a -20 resistance to water type Pokemon and a low retreat cost of one colorless energy card. Bellossom's Poke-Power is called Hustle Step and this power is really good it lets you each turn remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokemon. Bellossom's only move is called Dance 'til Dawn and this move takes 2 energy cards, 1 each of grass and colorless and does 30 times damage the number of heads you get when you flip 3 coins. So at a maximum this move will do 90 damage for only 2 energy cards. Strategy is really straightforward with this card since it only has one move, but I would try and wait a little while before I use this card so that some of my Pokemon would have damage on them so that I could utilize Bellossom's Poke-Power. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because not only does it heal all your Pokemon at once, over time it could heal all of them back to full health, plus this card is very quick only needed two energy cards to do up to 90 damage and if you really had to retreat Bellossom it will only cost the one energy card. So thanks for reading today's review of Bellossom from Undaunted stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted card. As always any suggestions are welcome.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Vileplume (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Vileplume from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 2, grass type Pokemon card with an hp of 120, unfortunately Vileplume has a x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type and a retreat cost of 2 colorless energy cards. Vileplume's Poke-Body is very interesting, it is called Allergy Flower and it says that neither player can play trainer cards from their hand. Vileplume's only move is called Dazzling Pollen and this move d0es at least 50 damage for 3 energy cards, 2 grass an 1 colorless, you also need to flip a coin when you use this move, if you get a heads this move does 80 damage instead of 50 and if it is tails the defending Pokemon is confused. So as far as strategy goes it is really straightforward with only one move, but the thing I would do is stack your deck solely based around Vileplume's Poke-Body, if you do this you will be able to utilize Allergy Flower and make your opponent really struggle especially if they use a lot of trainer cards in their deck. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because I think Vileplume's Poke-Body could truly wreak havoc on your opponent and Vileplume's only move can do 80 damage for only 3 energy cards or it could do 50 damage and make the defending Pokemon confused which could result in more than 80 damage total in two turns. So this card is pretty decent and I would definitely suggest using it in a grass type deck. So thanks for reading today's review of Vileplume from Undaunted stay tuned for another review of an Undaunted card.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Gliscor (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Gliscor from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, fighting type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. Unfortunately Gliscor has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon but it does have a -20 resistance to electric type Pokemon which is good especially against Luxray GL Lv. X, also Gliscor has a low retreat cost with a cost of 1 colorless energy card. Gliscor doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is entitled Ninja Fang and this move does 30 damage for only 1 fighting energy card, and before you attack with this move, if the defending Pokemon doesn't have any damage counters on it, the defending Pokemon is paralyzed. Gliscor's second move is entitled Poison Jab and this move does 50 hp for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 fighting energy card. Besides doing the 50 damage it also poisons the defending Pokemon. So as far as strategy goes this card is really straightforward since if you have one energy card on Gliscor you should use Ninja Fang, and when you have 3 cards on Gliscor you should use Poison Jab. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5, to me this card is really average, nothing special about it at all, it has two average moves and if you're looking for a decent fighting type Pokemon card for your deck this one may work, I especially like that you can do 2 special conditions with this card and if you use this card right off the bat you should be able to paralyze the defending Pokemon with 1 energy card. So thanks for reading today's review of Gliscor from the Undaunted set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted card.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Leafeon (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Leafeon from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, grass type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. Unfortunately Leafeon has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon but it does have a -20 hp resistance to water type Pokemon and a low retreat cost of one colorless energy card. Leafeon doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Miasma Wind which does 50 damage times the number of Special Conditions affecting the defending Pokemon for only one colorless energy card. Leafeon's second move is called Soothing Scent and this move requires one grass energy card and does 30 damage to the defending Pokemon and also makes the defending Pokemon asleep. As far as strategy goes you can easily tell that you'll have to use Soothing Scent first in order to make the defending Pokemon asleep and then hopefully that Pokemon stays asleep until the next turn so you can do Miasma Wind so you can do at least 50 damage to that Pokemon. I would try and use another card in this deck that poisons the defending Pokemon that way you can do 100 damage for only one energy card. I would give this card a rating of 4 out of 5. This card's weakness and hp is average but I like how both of Leafeon's moves only require one energy card, and you can just attach one grass energy card to Leafeon and you'll be set to do either of the moves you want, so this card is very quick and it can make the defending Pokemon fall asleep. So thanks for reading today's review of Leafeon from Undaunted, stay tuned for tomorrow's of Gliscor from Undaunted.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Forretress (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the is Forretress from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, metal type Pokemon card, with an hp of 90. Unfortunately Forretress has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon but it does havea -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon, but another downfall with this card is that it has an extremely high retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Forretress doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves. The first move is entitled Mirror Shot which takes two energy cards, 1 metal and 1 colorless, this move does 30 damage and if your opponent tries to attack the next turn they have to flip a coin and if they get tails the move does nothing. Forretress' second move is called Everyone Explode Now which takes 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 metal type energy card and this move does 30 x damage the number of Forretress and Pineco you have in play, but unfortunately this move also does 30 damage to each Forretress and Pineco you have in play. So as far as strategy goes I don't think I would use Forretress' second move, but I would use Mirror Shot so I could prevent my opponent from attacking the next turn if they flipped a tails. But I actually wouldn't use this card at all in my deck because I don't think it is worth it to stack your deck with Pineco and Forretress and then have to do 30 damage to each of them when I use Everyone Explode Now. So I would rate this card a 1 out of 5 because it has a low hp, high retreat cost, and bad weakness, and the only thing it has going for it is it can prevent the opponent from doing damage to you the next turn, but that is only a 50/50 chance so it isn't even worth it to you this card. So thanks for reading today's review of Forretress from the Undaunted set stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Leafeon from Undaunted.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Togekiss (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Togekiss from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 2, normal type Pokemon card with an hp of 120. Unfortunately Togekiss has a x2 weakness to electric type Pokemon which isn't good especially with the popularity of Luxray GL Lv. X, but Togekiss does have a -20 hp resistance to fighting type Pokemon and a 1 colorless energy card retreat cost. Togekiss doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first one is called Blessed Wings and this move takes 2 colorless energy cards, this move lets you remove all damage from your Pokemon and then return Togekiss and all cards attached to it back into your deck. Togekiss' second move is entitled Air Cutter and for 3 colorless energy cards it does 80 damage, but unfortunately before you get to do the damage you have to flip a coin and if you get tails this move does nothing. So as far as strategy goes I wouldn't use this card for attacking purposes because you might not end up doing any damage at all but I would definitely wait until real late in the game and use Blessed Wings and heal all my Pokemon. Also I would try and make most of the Pokemon in my deck have no retreat costs or really low ones so I could retreat my Pokemon when they get a lot of damage and then once my bench is full of damaged Pokemon put Togekiss in off the bench and heal all of them. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5 because besides Blessed Wings this card is very average, Togekiss' other move isn't any good since it is a 50-50 chance you'll be able to do any damage and a x2 weakness to electric type Pokemon is a big downfall but Togekiss does have 120 hp and a low retreat cost so overall it balances out. So thanks for reading today's review of Togekiss from Undaunted stay tuned for another rare or holo card from Undaunted tomorrow.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Smeargle (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Smeargle from the Undaunted set, this is a basic Pokemon that is a normal type, and has an hp of 70. Smeargle has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, no resistance type and a retreat cost of 1 colorless energy card. Smeargle's Poke-Power is called Portrait which lets you once per turn take a look at your opponent's hand, but if you do you have to choose one of the supporter cards they have in their hand and use that effect. This power is very good to use once every few turns so that you know what to expect from your opponent and can set up to defeat your opponent's strategy. Also you could always hope that your opponent doesn't have a supporter card in their hand when you use Portrait. Smeargle's only move is called Tail Rap and this move does 20 times damage times the number of heads you get when you flip two coins, this move requires two colorless energy cards. As far as strategy goes I would recommend trying to get Smeargle on your bench as soon as possible so you can use Portrait and see your opponent's cards right away at the beginning of the game, I wouldn't necessarily use this card as an attacking Pokemon because you may not even be able to do any damage with Tail Rap. I would give this card a rating of 2 out of 5. To me this card is below average because it has a x2 weakness and only 70 hp, also its only move is really poor and doesn't guarantee you any damage, but I do like its Poke-Power but it isn't one you're going to have to use every turn. So thanks for reading today's review of Smeargle from Undaunted stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Undaunted rare or holo card.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Espeon (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Espeon from the Undaunted set, which is officially set to release today. This is a stage 1, Psychic type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. Espeon has a x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a retreat cost of 1 colorless energy card. Espeon doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, its first move is called Solar Suggestion and this move is amazing, for one Psychic energy card it lets you move 4 damage counters from any of your Pokemon to any of your opponent's Pokemon, so this move basically does 40 hp damage for 1 energy card, that is if you have 40 hp damage to move. Espeon's second move is called Psybeam and this move does 30 damage for two energy cards, one each of Psychic and colorless. Besides doing the damage, you may flip a coin when you use this move and if you get a heads the defending Pokemon is now confused. So as far as strategy goes with this card I would wait a little while before I would play this card, that way I will have 40 damage on some of my bench Pokemon that I retreated so I can use Solar Suggestion and rid that Pokemon of its damage, also if I wait longer in the game to use Espeon my opponent will probably have a powerful Pokemon set up and ready to attack with and if I flip a heads when I use Psybeam and confuse the defending Pokemon, if my opponent's tries to attack the next turn with that powerful Pokemon and flips a coin and ends up being confused that will be a big chunk of damage done to the defending Pokemon. So overall I would rank this card a 4 out of 5 because hp and weakness wise this card is pretty average but I really like both of Espeon's moves especially Solar Suggestion since it can remove 40 damage from your team for only one energy card, actually both Espeon's moves hardly require any energy at all, so this card is also extremely fast in play. So thanks for reading today's review of Espeon from Undaunted make sure and stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another holo Pokemon card from Undaunted.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Umbreon (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Umbreon from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, dark type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. Umbreon has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, a -20 hp resistance to Psychic type Pokemon, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. Umbreon doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves, the first is called Moonlight Fang which takes 1 darkness energy and does 30 hp damage, also when you use this move if the attacking Pokemon of your opponent's has a Poke-Body or Poke-Power all effects of an attack against Umbreon, including damage are prevented. Umbreon's second move is called Quick Blow and this move does 30 damage again, this time for 2 energy cards, 1 colorless and 1 dark, when you use this move you may flip and coin and if it is heads this move does 60 damage instead of 30. As far as strategy goes I would definitely use Moonlight Fang as much as possible if the defending Pokemon had a Poke-Power or Poke-Body, I would do this because you only need one energy card, so you'll be able to use the move lightning quick and even though the move only does 30 damage, Umbreon won't be affected by damage which is very important with its low hp. Obviously however if the Pokemon doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body I would use Quick Blow and try and flip a heads. So I would rate this card a 3 out of 5, to me this card is very average overall, the thing I like best about this card is Moonlight Fang because it prevents attacks from happening to Umbreon when the attacking Pokemon has a Poke-Body or Poke-Power and since this is such a crucial part of the game, I think this card could be used quite a bit in the months to come. So thanks for reading my review of Umbreon from Undaunted stay tuned for another Undaunted Holographic review tomorrow.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Scizor Prime (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Scizor Prime from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, steel type, Prime card with an hp of 100. Scizor has a x2 weakness to fire type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon and a retreat cost of 2 colorless energy cards. This card has a Poke-Body and one move, Scizor's Poke-Body is entitled Red Armor and this Body says that all damage done to Scizor by attacks from your opponent's Pokemon with any special energy cards attached to them is prevented. I can see this Poke-Body being very powerful against Legend cards where they have many types to them so if a deck is based around them they more than likely are going to be using special energy cards. Scizor's only move is called Metal Scissors and this move takes 2 energy cards, 1 colorless and 1 metal, and does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each metal energy card attached to Scizor. As far as strategy goes I would save this card to play until my opponent has a special energy card in play, if they aren't using special energy cards I would leave this card on my bench or in my hand, I would stack up the metal energy cards on this card so that I could do maximum amounts of damage to the defending Pokemon with Metal Scissors. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5 because to me it is very average and the Poke-Body although really good, is only good if you are against an opponent using special energy cards. So thanks for reading today's review of Scizor Prime from the Undaunted set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of an Undaunted holo card, any suggestions?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Slowking Prime (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Slowking Prime from the yet to be released Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, Psychic type Prime card with an hp of 100. Slowking has a x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type and a retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Slowking's Poke-Power is called Opponent's Choice and this power lets you every turn look at the top two cards of your deck, show them to your opponent and then have your opponent choose one of them for you to put in your hand, the other card you have to place on the bottom of your deck. In my opinion this is a really good Poke-Power especially since it gives you two cards instead of 1 card every turn and unlike some other moves where you have to discard cards when you take some from your deck you get to keep both cards you draw with this move. Slowking's only move is called Super Psy Bolt and this move does the standard 60 damage for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 Psychic. So as far as strategy goes I would recommend getting Slowking Prime onto your bench as soon as possible so that you can utilize its Poke-Power and once you get 3 energy cards on Slowking you are set for the rest of the game with this card since you never have to discard any energy cards or anything. So I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because it is slightly above average, its move, Super Psy Bolt, is dead on average but with Opponent's Choice enabling you to get one more card each turn, it bumps this card up from a 3 to a 4, so thanks for reading today's review of Slowking Prime from the Undaunted set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Scizor Prime from the Undaunted set as well.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Raichu Prime (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Raichu Prime from the yet to be released Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, electric type Pokemon card, with a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon. Raichu has a -20 resistance to metal type Pokemon and a low retreat cost of only one colorless energy card. Raichu's Poke-Power called Voltage Increase helps out greatly with Raichu's only move, Voltage Increase allows you to move an electric energy card as often as you like during your turn from one of your Pokemon to Raichu Prime. This power works very well like I was saying with Raichu's only move entitled Mega Thunderbolt which takes 3 energy cards to execute, 2 electric and 1 colorless, and does 120 damage but the downside is that you have to discard all energy attached to Raichu. So the only strategy I can see for this card is to get as many energy cards into play as possible and then use Voltage Increase and attach them to Raichu every turn that way you can more than likely one hit knock out almost every Pokemon with Mega Thunderbolt. I would give this card a rating of 3 out of 5, to me this card is a very average card, it has a very powerful move doing 120 damage but in my opinion you have to use too many energy cards to do this move all the time and this move will take awhile to do this move since it always needs 3 energy cards, unless you can find a way to retrieve discarded energy cards and attach them to a Pokemon in play, Raichu Prime will be able to knockout 1 or 2 Pokemon maximum before it gets knocked out since it only has 100 hp which isn't very much for a Pokemon with a x2 weakness. So thanks for reading today's review of Raichu Prime stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Slowking Prime from the Undaunted set as well.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Houndoom Prime (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Houndoom Prime from the yet to be released Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, dark type Pokemon card with an hp of 110. Houndoom has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon and a 1 colorless energy card retreat cost. Houndoom's Poke-Power is called Fire Breath which allows you to flip a coin once during your turn, if the coin is heads the defending Pokemon is now burned. Houndoom's only move is called Dark Clamp, which takes 3 energy cards, 1 colorless and 2 darkness energy cards. This move does 70 hp damage and it also makes the defending Pokemon unable to retreat during your opponent's next turn. So as far as strategy goes Houndoom's Poke-Power and only move go very nicely together, hopefully you can get a heads when you flip a coin so the defending Pokemon is burned then you can use Dark Clamp and do 70 hp and since the defending Pokemon will be burned it will take damage and your opponent won't be able to prevent this damage since they won't be able to retreat their Pokemon the next turn. So I definitely think this Pokemon can be quite a powerful Pokemon card, I would rate it a 4 out of 5 just because there isn't too much strategy to do with this card since there is only so much you can do with 1 move, but like I said it is a really good move, and you should be able to knock out most Pokemon in two moves, especially if they are burned besides. The downfalls to this card are its hp is somewhat low, only 110, and it has a x2 weakness. However it does have a resistance type whereas most powerful Pokemon don't and it does have a low retreat cost. So thanks for reading today's review of Houndoom Prime from Undaunted stay tuned for another review of an Undaunted Prime card, this time I will be doing Raichu.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Kyogre & Groudon Legend from the not yet released Undaunted set. This is a Legend card so you have to have both halves of this card in your hand before you can play it, also if this card is knocked out your opponent gets to take two prize cards instead of one. This Legend card has an hp of 150, a x2 weakness to both electric and grass Pokemon, no resistance type and a retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. This card is of dual types, it is both water and fighting. Kyogre & Groudon Legend doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, one fighting and one water type move. The water type move is called Mega Tidal Wave which requires four energy cards to use, 2 water and 2 colorless. This move does 30x damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon for each energy card you reveal when you discard the top five cards of your opponent's deck. This card's fighting move is called Massive Eruption and this move also requires 4 energy cards two each of colorless and fighting. This move does 100x damage for each energy card you reveal when you discard the top five cards of your deck. As far as strategy goes you can either have a two type deck with both fighting and water cards, or a solid type deck with special energy cards or just one type of Pokemon in your deck either fighting or water. I would probably try and put this card in a dual type deck because that way I can switch between the two moves, especially if you try and do only a fighting type deck you'll run out of cards very fast. I would actually try and stack my deck with a lot of energy cards so you could do more damage with Massive Eruption. I would either do that strategy of including way more energy cards than normal so I could for sure 1 hit ko every Pokemon or I would concentrate more of using the water type move and try to make my opponent run out of cards in their deck. If I focused more on the water move I would definitely try and include another card in my deck that does some spread damage. I would also rate this card a five out of five. I can see this card having endless possibilites since it is two types and both moves are very powerful. After reviewing this card I cannot wait to open my booster box of Undaunted as soon as it comes out because this set is going to be amazing. So thanks for reading today's review of Kyogre & Groudon Legend from the Undaunted set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Prime card from the Undaunted set, any suggestions?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Ancient Mew (2nd Movie Promo)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Ancient Mew which was a promotional card given away at the theatrical release of the Pokemon movie called The Power of One. This card is written in in medieval Futhark Runic and Gothenburg Runic. I will be translating this card for my review with the help of the Pokemon website entitled Bulbapedia. Ancient Mew is a basic, Psychic type Pokemon card with an hp of 40, it has a x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a retreat cost of 2 colorless energy cards. Ancient Mew has no Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have one move that takes 2 Psychic energy cards called Psychic, this move does 40 damage. So as far as strategy goes it only has one move so it is really straightforward but unfortunately this card is banned from all tournament play including the unlimited format so this card is basically for a collector's collection or just a remembrance of the Pokemon movie it came with. So if I were to rate this card I would rate it only a 1 out of 5, it has a really bad hp and weakness, its move is decent doing 40 hp but like I said earlier you can't use this card at all and even if you did it would get knocked out lightning fast with only 40 hp. The only reason I gave this card more than a zero is because it looks cool and it is very nostalgic. So thanks for reading my review of Ancient Mew even though it was pretty short, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Kyogre & Groudon Legend from Undaunted.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend from the yet to be released Undaunted set. This is a Legend card meaning that both halves of the card have to be in your hand before you can set both cards down as one onto your bench, also when this Pokemon is knocked out your opponent can take 2 prize cards instead of one. This Legend card is a basic type Pokemon with an hp of 140, it has two types Psychic and Colorless and at the same time it is has both a x2 weakness to Psychic and Colorless Pokemon. It has no resistance type and it has a 3 colorless energy retreat cost. Rayquaza & Deoxys' Poke-Body is called Space Virus and it says that if the defending Pokemon is knocked out by an attack done by Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend you get to take 1 more prize card. This Poke-Body works extremely well with its only move called Ozone Buster which takes 4 energy cards, 2 fire, 1 electric, and 1 colorless, this move does 150 hp damage and when you get done with this move you have to discard all fire energy cards attached to this Legend card. As far as strategy goes it is prettty obvious with only one move but I would definitely use some special energy cards in this deck so I could easily use Ozone Buster, also I would find some way to get energy cards onto Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend so I could use Ozone Buster every turn and with this card you really only have to knock out 3 Pokemon with this card to win the game since you can take 2 prize cards every time you knock a Pokemon out with its Poke-Body. I would rate this card a 5 out of 5 because this card is absolutely amazing, it has an extremely powerful attack and like I just said you hardly need to defeat any Pokemon to win the game since you get 2 prize cards every time you get a knock out. So thanks for reading today's review of Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend from the Undaunted set stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Ancient Mew.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Wailord ex (EX Sandstorm)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Wailord ex from the EX Sandstorm set. This is a stage 1, water type Pokemon card with an hp of 200, it is also an ex card so if it gets knocked out your opponent will get to take 2 prize cards instead of 1. Wailord has two x2 weaknesses to both grass and electric type Pokemon, it has no resistance type, and has an extremely high retreat cost of 5 colorless energy cards. Wailord doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves, the first move is called Super Deep Dive and this move takes 1 colorless energy card and only if you have at least 1 benched Pokemon this move lets you remove 3 damage counters from Wailord and switch it with one of your benched Pokemon, if you don't have any bench Pokemon this move does nothing. What I like about this move is that you can remove damage from Wailord which makes its 200 hp seem even higher than it already is plus this move basically makes Wailord's retreat cost irrelevant since you can just use this move to retreat it. Wailord's second move is called Dwindling Wave and this move takes 4 energy cards, 3 water and 1 colorless, this move does 100 hp damage maximum but for each damage counter of Wailord you have to subtract 10 damage from this move, so if you have 20 damage on Wailord this move only does 80 damage. As far as strategy goes I would use Wailord ex as soon as possible because of its powerful move that does 100 damage, you should be able to use Dwindling Wave a few times before it isn't that powerful anymore, once that happens you can use Super Deep Dive and remove 30 damage from it and if there was more damage than that on it, use some potions on it on the bench so a few turns later you can put it back in and get the full amount of damage from Dwindling Wave again. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because it has a really high hp with 200, and it has 2 very complementary moves. I wish Wailord's second move Dwindling Wave would stay at 100 hp the whole time, just add an energy card to the move but that's okay, because you can just use Super Deep Dive to restore Dwindling Wave's full damage, so if you are using a water deck and you can use ex cards in it I would definitely consider using Wailord ex. So thanks for reading today's review of Wailord ex stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend from Undaunted.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Blastoise ex (EX FireRed/LeafGreen)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Blastoise ex from the EX FireRed/LeafGreen set. This is a stage 2, water type Pokemon card which is also an ex card so if this card gets knocked out your opponent gets to take 2 prize cards instead of one. Blastoise has an hp of 150, a x2 weakness to electric type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Blastoise's Poke-Power is called Energy Rain and this Poke-Power lets you as often as you like move a water energy card from your hand and attach it to one of your Pokemon every time you attach an energy card in this way on a Pokemon you have to put 1 damage counter on it. This Poke-Power would be very helpful if the card you want to use has attacks that require large amounts of energy cards and at the same time has a high hp so that it would be able to last awhile with 10 hp damage added to it every time an energy card is added to it by Energy Rain. The only bad thing about this Poke-Power besides the fact that it does damage to that Pokemon is that you have to have energy cards in your hand to use this power, I wish you could have searched your deck for energy cards especially since when you attach them it does damage to that Pokemon. Blastoise's only move is called Hyper Whirlpool which takes 4 energy cards, 3 water and 1 colorless, this move does 80 hp damage and when you use this move you flip a coin until you get tails for each heads you get you get to discard 1 energy card from the defending Pokemon. As far as strategy goes it is really straightforward since there is only 1 move on this card, but I would definitely try and get Blastoise on my bench as soon as possible so that I could utilize its Poke-Power and also in my deck I would make sure and have supporters/trainers that would help you get energy cards in your hand right away so then you can attach them quicker with Energy Rain. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because overall everything but its moves and Poke-Power are quite average for an ex card, but I especially like that you can get energy cards on Pokemon very quickly with Energy Rain and then if you put them on Blastoise you can use Hyper Whirlpool very quickly and more than likely be able to flip some heads and remove the energy cards from the defending Pokemon so they can't even attack you any more. So thanks for reading today's review of Blastoise ex from the EX FireRed/LeafGreen set stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Wailord ex from EX Sandstorm.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Flygon ex EX Dragon Frontiers
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Flygon ex from the EX Dragon Frontiers set. This is a stage 2, Psychic type Pokemon card, Flygon is a Psychic type because it is a delta species type Pokemon card in this set, also this card is an ex card so if it gets knocked out your opponent gets to draw two prize cards instead of one. Flygon ex has an hp of 150, no weakness, no resistance, and a retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Flygon's Poke-Body called Sand Damage spreads damage very well, this Poke-Body states that as long as Flygon ex is your active Pokemon, put one damage counter on each of your opponent's benched Pokemon between turns. This Poke-Body works amazingly well with Flygon's only move called Psychic Pulse which takes 3 energy cards, 1 colorless and 2 Psychic, this move does 80 damage which is already better than average for 3 energy cards and besides doing the damage to your opponent's active Pokemon, it also does 10 damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon that has any damage counters on it. So as far as strategy would go it is pretty straightforward since Flygon only has one move, but if I was going to use this card it would be absolutely necessary for me to have a card in my deck that spreads damage, i.e. a Pokemon card that does 10 damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon at once, that way I would set up Flygon ex on my deck and then use that other Pokemon card to get damage on all my opponent's Pokemon then I would either get that Pokemon knocked out or retreat it and put it Flygon ex, that way since all your opponent's Pokemon has damage on it you can pretty much do 20 hp damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon each turn. I would rate this card a 5 out of 5 because it is amazing period. A super high hp and no weakness make this card unstoppable, pair this card with a spread damage card and this card will clean house on just about every Pokemon card out there. So thanks for reading today's review of Flygon ex from the ex Dragon Frontiers set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Blastoise ex from EX FireRed/LeafGreen.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Kabutops ex (EX Sandstorm)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Kabutops ex from the EX Sandstorm set. This is a stage 2, water type Pokemon with an hp of 150. It has two x2 weaknesses to both grass and electric type Pokemon, no resistance type and an average retreat cost of 2 colorless energy cards. Kabutops doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Hydrocutter which does at maximum 120 hp damage for 1 colorless energy card. This move does 40x damage times the number of heads you flip equal to the number of energy cards attached to Kabutops but you can only flip the coin 3 times maximum. Kabutops' second move is entitled Spiral Drain and this move takes 4 energy cards, 2 each of fighting and colorless. This move does 70 hp damage and allows you to take 2 damage counters off of Kabutops. As far as strategy goes I would use Spiral Drain the most if I had enough energy cards attached to Kabutops plus that move removes 2 damage counters every time too so that makes Kabutops' hp even better than it already is with its 150 hp. I would rate this card a 3 out of 5 because it is pretty average for an ex card since it has two x2 weaknesses and no resistance. Also it doesn't have a Poke-Power of Poke-Body but it does have two pretty decent moves and it has potential to knock out Pokemon in one hit with Hydrocutter. So thanks for reading my review of Kabutops ex from the EX Sandstorm set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Flygon ex from EX Dragon Frontiers.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Deoxys ex (EX Emerald)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Deoxys ex from the EX Emerald set. This card is a basic, Pyshic type, ex Pokemon card with an hp of 110. Deoxys has a x2 weakness to Psychic type Pokemon and has no resistance type. However Deoxys does have a pretty low retreat cost of one colorless energy card. Deoxys' Poke-Power is called Form Change and this power lets you once per turn search your deck for another Deoxys ex and switch it with this card and transfer all damage and energy cards with it to the new card, place this card on the top of your deck and shuffle it afterwards, you can only use one Form Change Poke-Power per turn. Deoxys' only move is entitled Fastwave and this move does 50 damage no matter what for 3 colorless energy cards. As far as strategy goes it only has one move so you'll have to do that move if you have 3 energy cards on Deoxys but with its Poke-Power you can easily stack your deck with different forms of Deoxys and then switch the Deoxys out you have as your active Pokemon and switch one in with a better move. I am going to rate this card a 3 out of 5 because even though you can switch out this card whenever, all the Deoxys cards still aren't that great, they are all just about average, also Deoxys' only move is about average for 3 energy cards, the average is probably 60 hp damage but since Fastwave isn't affected by weakness or resistance it will always do 50 damage. So overall I would say this is an average card and if I were to use this card in my deck I would definitely use many more Deoxys cards in the deck too so I could utilize its Poke-Power. So thanks for reading today's review of Deoxys ex from EX Emerald stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Kabutops ex from EX Sandstorm.
Pokemon Card of the Day: Aggron ex (EX Crystal Guardians)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Aggron ex from the EX Crystal Guardians set. This is a stage 2, metal type ex card with an hp of 150. Unfortunately Aggron has two x2 weaknesses, it has a weakness to both fire and fighting type Pokemon but it does have a -20 resistance to grass type Pokemon. Another bad thing about this card is that it has an extremely high retreat cost of four colorless energy cards which most likely means that you won't be able to retreat Aggron and if Aggron does get knocked out your opponent gets to take two prize cards instead of one since this card is an ex card. Aggron's Poke-Body called Intimidating Armor is extremely nice, it says that as long as Aggron ex is your active Pokemon your opponent's active Pokemon as long as it is a basic Pokemon can't attack or use its Poke-Body and/or Poke-Powers so the faster you get Aggron ex into play the better this Poke-Body will be and the less damage your opponent will be able to do against you. Aggron also has two pretty good moves the first move is called Split Bomb which does 30 damage to two of your opponent's Pokemon for only 3 colorless energy cards I like this move because not only does it spread damage but this move only requires colorless energy cards so you can basically use this move no matter what deck you're using Aggron ex in. Aggron's other move is called Mega Burn and this move does mega damage, it does 100 damage for four energy cards, two each of colorless and metal, but on the downside you can't use Mega Burn the next turn. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5, I really like its Poke-Body and two moves but the reason I didn't give this card a five is because it has two x2 weaknesses and its type is metal which isn't very popular and unfortunately you can't use Mega Burn twice in a row. So thanks for reading today's review of Aggron ex from the Crystal Guardians set stay tuned for tomorrow's review of a Deoxys card, any suggestions for which one to review?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Electabuzz Reprint (Platinum)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Electabuzz from the Platinum set. This is a reprint card meaning that this is an exact replica of a previously produced card and in this case even the artwork is the same. You can tell this card is a reprint because the card number which is 128/127 is higher than the number of cards in the set. Electabuzz is a basic, electric type Pokemon with an hp of 70 and very unfortunately it has no resistance type and a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon. It also has a somewhat high retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Electabuzz doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves, the first move is called Thundershock and this move takes one electric energy and does 10 damage, you also get to flip a coin when you use this move and if it is heads the defending Pokemon is paralyzed, meaning it can't attack the next turn. Electabuzz's other move is entitled Thunderpunch and for two energy cards, one each of electric and colorless, Electabuzz does 30 damage plus 10 more damage if you get heads when you flip a coin, but if that coin is tails Electabuzz does 10 damage to itself. As far as strategy goes with this card it isn't too hard if I have 2 energy cards on Electabuzz I will use Thunderpunch, the only time I would use Thundershock is when the defending Pokemon has 40 or 50 hp remaining on it, then I would use Thundershock, hope for a heads to paralyze the Pokemon and then use Thunderpunch the next turn and depending on the amount of damage on the defending Pokemon, you might have to hope for a heads on that move as well. I would rate this card a 2 out of 5, most reprints aren't that good compared to today's cards and this one follows suit. 70 hp is way too low to have a x2 weakness and Electabuzz basically knocks itself out with that low hp and weakness of x2 plus that possibility of doing 10 damage to itself every time it wants to use Thunderpunch. So I wouldn't recommend using this card at all unless you can easily retreat Electabuzz and all electric Pokemon that way you can take a chance and try to paralyze the defending Pokemon then switch in a powerful attacker and knock that Pokemon out. So I would definitely try and get this card for a nostalgia card but not to battle with in a deck. So thanks again for reading my review of Electabuzz from the Platinum set stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Aggron ex from EX Crystal Guardians.
Pokemon Card of the Day: Darkrai G (Rising Rivals)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Darkrai G from the Rising Rivals set. This is a basic special type Pokemon card, that is a Galactic's Pokemon, it is a dark type Pokemon with an hp of 90. It has a weakness to fighting type Pokemon of x2 but it also has a resistance to Psychic type Pokemon of -20. Darkrai has a somewhat high retreat cost for a basic Pokemon with a retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Darkrai's Poke-Body is called Eerie Aura and this Poke-Body lets you put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Pokemon that remains asleep between turns. This Poke-Body works very well with Darkrai's only move called Darkness Sleep which does 50 damage for 3 energy cards, 1 darkness energy and 2 colorless energy. And when you use this move if the defending Pokemon has any damage counters on it the defending Pokemon is now asleep. So as far as strategy goes with this card I would first use Darkness Sleep and do the 50 damage, the next turn since the defending Pokemon will now have damage on it, if it has more than 100 hp I will be able to put that Pokemon to sleep and then use Darkrai's Poke-Body and be able to put 1 damage counter on it between turns. I would give this card a rating of 3 out of 5, Darkrai's hp is a little above average but its weakness, retreat cost, and resistance are all average or below average. I like Darkrai's Poke-Body very well and it supplements its move nicely but with only using Darkrai's move that makes Pokemon fall asleep you'll only be able to put 1 damage counter on at most 1 Pokemon every turn. So thanks for reading today's review of Darkrai G from Rising Rivals stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Electabuzz reprint from Platinum.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Charizard (EX Crystal Guardians)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Charizard from the EX Crystal Guardians set. This is a stage 2, electric type Pokemon card, the reason Charizard isn't fire type is because this is a delta species card as you can see printed on the card in between the Pokemon's name and hp. Charizard has an hp of 120 and a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon. Charizard has no resistance type and has a retreat cost of two colorless energy cards. Charizard's Poke-Power is called Peal of Thunder, this Poke-Power you can use when you play Charizard from your hand to evolve one of your Pokemon you can look at the top five cards of your deck, take as many energy cards as you like out of those five cards and attach them to one of your Pokemon and discard the rest of the cards. This Poke-Power could definitely be better but if you have a Pokemon that needs a lot of energy cards you could get lucky and get 3 or 4 energy cards out of the 5 cards you look at and be able to attach them all to that Pokemon. The downside to this power is that you can only attach the energy cards to one Pokemon and you have to discard the cards you don't use. Charizard only has one move called Metal Burn which takes 4 energy cards to do, 1 electric, 2 metal, and 1 colorless, this move does an amazing damage of 120 but you have to discard all metal energy cards when you use this move. So at a minimum you'll have to discard at least 2 energy cards when you use this move. As far as strategy goes it is really straightforward since Charizard only has one move, I would try and use its Poke-Power on this card so you could use Metal Burn right away. I would rate this card a 2 out of 5. The reason I am giving this card a pretty low score is because of its only move Metal Burn. For one you need Metal Energy cards in your deck or special energy cards and you can only do this move once before waiting at least a turn or two to use it again, 120 damage might be a lot but a lot of Pokemon cards have moves that do 60 damage for only 3 energy cards and you don't have to do any discarding with those moves so you could do 120 damage in two turns every time, whereas this card you can do 120 damage once and then maybe not be able to use it again. So thanks for reading today's review of Charizard from EX Crystal Guardians, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Darkrai G from Rising Rivals.