Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Umbreon (Undaunted)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Umbreon from the Undaunted set. This is a stage 1, dark type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. Umbreon has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, a -20 hp resistance to Psychic type Pokemon, and a one colorless energy card retreat cost. Umbreon doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves, the first is called Moonlight Fang which takes 1 darkness energy and does 30 hp damage, also when you use this move if the attacking Pokemon of your opponent's has a Poke-Body or Poke-Power all effects of an attack against Umbreon, including damage are prevented. Umbreon's second move is called Quick Blow and this move does 30 damage again, this time for 2 energy cards, 1 colorless and 1 dark, when you use this move you may flip and coin and if it is heads this move does 60 damage instead of 30. As far as strategy goes I would definitely use Moonlight Fang as much as possible if the defending Pokemon had a Poke-Power or Poke-Body, I would do this because you only need one energy card, so you'll be able to use the move lightning quick and even though the move only does 30 damage, Umbreon won't be affected by damage which is very important with its low hp. Obviously however if the Pokemon doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body I would use Quick Blow and try and flip a heads. So I would rate this card a 3 out of 5, to me this card is very average overall, the thing I like best about this card is Moonlight Fang because it prevents attacks from happening to Umbreon when the attacking Pokemon has a Poke-Body or Poke-Power and since this is such a crucial part of the game, I think this card could be used quite a bit in the months to come. So thanks for reading my review of Umbreon from Undaunted stay tuned for another Undaunted Holographic review tomorrow.