Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Darkrai (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Darkrai from the Majestic Dawn set, this is a basic, dark type Pokemon card, with an hp of 80. It has a +20 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to Psychic type Pokemon and a 2 colorless energy card retreat cost. Darkrai's Poke-Power is called Darkness Shade and says that when you put Darkrai from your hand to the bench you may choose one of the defending Pokemon and that Pokemon is not asleep. Besides the Poke-Power, Darkrai has two moves, the first move is called Dark Slumber and for one darkness energy card does 10 damage plus makes the defending Pokemon asleep after their next turn. Darkrai's second move is called Dark Resolve and takes 3 energy cards, two dark and one colorless and does 40 damage plus if the defending Pokemon is asleep you can remove 4 damage counters from Darkrai. As far as strategy goes it is very important to move Darkrai from your hand to your bench when you need the have a possibility of the defending Pokemon not attacking, also I would definitely play Dark Slumber right away to make the defending Pokemon asleep and then use Dark Resolve especially if the defending Pokemon is asleep and it should be because of Dark Slumber. I would make sure to pair this card card with another card in your deck that poisons the active Pokemon that way you can make sure the defending Pokemon is always asleep with Darkrai and have that other Pokemon poison the defending Pokemon that way it will always do damage to that defending Pokemon and never be able to attack Darkrai since it will be asleep. Another thing to consider with this Darkrai card is to pair it with a spread damage type card that way you can make the defending Pokemon asleep and use that spread damage Pokemon to damage all the benched Pokemon of your opponent's while their active Pokemon is sleeping. I would rate this card a 4 out of 5 because it can cause havoc, it can make Pokemon after Pokemon fall asleep and then use Dark Resolve when it is close to dying and last another few turns. So thanks for reading today's review of Darkrai from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Dialga from the same set.