Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Palkia (Majestic Dawn)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Palkia from the Majestic Dawn set. This is a basic, water type Pokemon card with an hp of 100. It has a +20 weakness to electric Pokemon, no resistance type, and a 3 colorless energy card retreat cost. It like Dialga from a few days ago has a Type-Enhancing Item, Palkia's item is called Lustrous Orb says that if an active Pokemon has a weakness to water type Pokemon it does 20 more damage than their stated weakness, so if the Pokemon has a weakness of +20 to water Pokemon if it was facing Palkia it would have a +40 weakness. Besides the Type-Enhancing Item, Palkia doesn't have a Poke-Body or Poke-Power but it does have two moves, the first move is called Zone Switch which takes one water energy card and forces your opponent to switch their active Pokemon with one of their benched Pokemon. Palkia's second move is called Pearl Blast and takes two each of water and colorless energy cards and does 60 damage plus it allows you to move an energy card attached to Palkia back to your hand and if you do you can also do this to the defending Pokemon. As far as strategy goes I could definitely see using Zone Switch first to get a Pokemon that is weak to water Pokemon in the active Pokemon spot and then using Pearl Blast the next turn and you should be able to knock out most Pokemon that are weak to water Pokemon in one turn, two turns maximum. I would rate this card a 2 out of 5 though because it has a high retreat cost and its only move requires 4 energy cards and only does 60 damage which isn't much at all for four energy cards, this card will do good against Pokemon weak to water so the Type-Enhancing Item is much more useful for this card than on Dialga but it will only affect Pokemon weak to water. So thanks for reading today's review of Palkia from the Majestic Dawn set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Phione from the same set.