Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Regigigas (Legends Awakened)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Regigigas from the Legends Awakened set. This is a basic, colorless type Pokemon card, with an hp of 120. It has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a 4 colorless energy card retreat cost. Its Poke-Body is called Slow Start and this says that Regigigas can't attack until your opponent has 3 or less prize cards left. Regigigas's only move is called Crush Grip and for four energy cards, one each of water, fighting, metal, and colorless, Regigigas does 120 damage unless the defending Pokemon already has some damage counters on it. So as far as strategy goes you'll want to keep Regigigas on your bench until you have already lost three Pokemon so you can actually attack, and this time gives you the opportunity to get the appropriate cards attached to Regigigas, I would include this deck in a dual type deck of two of the three energy cards necessary to perform Crush Grip and I would use a special energy card for the other energy card. Once your opponent does have 3 or less Prize cards left this card can do quite good if it is set up and ready to go, you'll want to avoid using spread damage type cards in this deck however so Regigigas can do its full damage when using Crush Grip and if you at least knocked out a Pokemon or two earlier in the game you have a decent chance of winning the game once Regigigas is in the active Pokemon spot. I would rate this card a 2 out of 5 because of its Poke-Body you don't want to put too many of these in your deck because then you won't be able to attack if you have to play one of them right away, another downfall to this card is that it requires so many different energy cards to attack, but like I was saying earlier if you do get this card set up on your bench it can be quite dominant but you'll just have to wait awhile before you're able to use it. So thanks for reading today's review of Regigigas from the Legends Awakened set, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Spiritomb from the same set.