Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pokemon Card of the Day: Victreebel (Legends Awakened)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Victreebel from the Legends Awakened set. This is a stage 2, grass type Pokemon card, with an hp of 120. It has a +30 weakness to fire type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a three colorless energy card retreat cost. It doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Burning Scent which doesn't require any energy cards at all and lets you pick whatever Pokemon you want as your opponent's active Pokemon and then make that Pokemon burned and poisoned. Victreebel's other move is called Energy Dissolve which takes three energy cards, two grass and one colorless, and does 60 damage and also lets you discard an energy card from the defending Pokemon. As far as strategy goes I would like using this card to pick off the weakest of my opponent's benched Pokemon, I could perform Burning Scent first and then if they are still alive after that move, use Energy Dissolve the next turn, and the thing I really like about this move is that it removes an energy card from that Pokemon, so if you were attacking a high hp Pokemon that was still alive, your opponent may not be able to attack the next turn with one less energy or they may not be able to retreat anymore to remove their special conditions. I would give this card a four out of five rating because this card is just annoying. It can definitely inhibit you from doing what you want to do, they only thing you have to be aware of is that this card is a stage 2 card so it will take awhile to use. So thanks for reading today's review of Victreebel from the Legends Awakened set, stay tuned for the last Legends Awakened rare card I need to review which is Vileplume.