Friday, October 29, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Charizard star (EX Dragon Frontiers)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is the card I desire most, it is Charizard star from the EX Dragon Frontiers set, I have bought a 36 pack lot and numerous other EX Dragon Frontiers packs and never have gotten this card. With that being said, Charizard star is a basic, delta species Pokemon card, that is a dark type Pokemon, it has an hp of 90, a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Charizard has two moves the first move is called Rotating Claws and this move does 20 damage for 2 energy cards, 1 each of colorless and dark. When you use this move you may discard an energy card and search your discard pile for a different one and attach it to Charizard, you would want to do this to get a dark energy card on Charizard instead of another basic type you might have on Charizard for the colorless energy card you can use in Rotating Claws. Charizard's other move is extremely powerful, it does however take 5 energy cards, 4 dark and 1 colorless. This move does 150 damage and lets you discard the top 3 cards off your opponent's deck, however you have to discard all energy cards attached to Charizard star after using this move, so basically this is a one and done move. So I would recommend keeping Charizard star on your bench until you need to knock out a powerful Pokemon in one move, then move Charizard in and knock out that Pokemon, then I would try and get two energy cards on it and use Rotating Claws until it is knocked out. So like I said earlier this is a card I greatly desire but it is also one of the most expensive Charizard cards out there so if I don't get lucky and pull one in a pack I don't know if I'll ever get one. So thanks for reading today's review of Charizard star, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of another Charizard card.