Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Pokemon Card of the Day: Giratina (Legends Awakened)
Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Giratina from the Legends Awakened set. This card is a basic, psychic type Pokemon card with an hp of 100. It has a x2 weakness to dark type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to normal type Pokemon and a high retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Giratina doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Shadow Force and this move requires two energy cards, one each of Psychic and colorless, this move does 20 damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokemon and you also get to flip a coin when you use this attack if it is heads all effects of an attack are prevented on Giratina during the next turn. Giratina's second move is called Brutal Edge which takes 4 energy cards, two each of psychic and colorless and does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on the defending Pokemon, so if you used this move twice in a row the first time it would do 50 damage and the second time it would do 100 damage. So as far as strategy goes I would recommend using a spread damage type Pokemon like the Spiritomb card from this set paired with Giratina so almost every Pokemon you see would have damage on it. I wouldn't move Giratina into play until it had 4 energy cards on it so I could use Brutal Edge and knock out most basic Pokemon in one turn and almost all other Pokemon in two turns. I would give this card a 3 out of 5 rating because it can do a fair amount of damage with Brutal Edge but it will take a while to execute and with only 100 hp who knows if you'll even be able to use this move more than once in a row. So thanks for reading today's review of Giratina from Legends Awakened stay tuned for tomorrow's review of a Stormfront card.