Today's Pokemon Card Review is of Excadrill from the Emerging Powers set. This is the first of two Excadrill card reviews from this set. This is a stage 1, fighting type Pokemon card, with an hp of 110. It has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to electric type Pokemon, and a two colorless energy card retreat cost. Excadrill doesn't have an Ability but it does have two moves, the first move is called Metal Claw which does 30 damage for one colorless energy card. Excadrill's second move is called Drill Run which does 80 damage for three fighting energy cards. Besides doing the damage, you may discard an energy card from the defending Pokemon.
Pokemon Card Strategy:
So as far as strategy goes, it is pretty straightforward, I would do whatever move I have enough energy cards to do. I would like to use Drill Run every turn and knock out most Pokemon in two turns. I would try and set up this card on the bench and be able to move it into the active Pokemon spot right away and start doing 80 damage a turn. I am surprised that a stage 1 Pokemon can do this much damage for only three energy cards and remove an energy card from the defending Pokemon.
Pokemon Card Rating:
I would give this card a 4 out of 5 rating. I like Excadrill's Drill Run move, just make sure to have plenty of fighting energy cards in your deck so you can use the move since it only requires fighting energy cards, if you use this card with Gigalith that I reviewed a short while ago, your opponent's will be quaking in their boots with all the damage you can do with those two cards.
Tomorrow's Pokemon Card:
So thanks for reading today's Pokemon card review of Excadrill from the Emerging Powers set, stay tuned for tomorrow's card review of the second Excadrill card from the Emerging Powers set.